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Gr 4 – 7 Resources

These quality resources are designed to supplement and complement your other resources.

The resource packs may be photocopied by the purchaser, for the learners at their school, and we urge customers not to misuse the copyright.

Note to parents: The resources for Life Orientation and Creative Arts have been created to support the outcomes outlined in the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for the relevant subjects and grades.

They are designed as supplementary material to textbooks and unless the teacher is following the lessons outlined by Macrat you may find that the activities are not similar to those your child is doing at school.


Gr 4 – 7 Resources Categories


Click on the image or title to view all the product info, or simply click on the “Add to basket” button to buy the product.

  • Textual Editing

    GET Grammar Focus on Pronouns and Prepositions

    Downloadable PDF resource pack. The aim of the GET Grammar series is to provide GET learners with the basics of language – establishing a firm foundation in language so that they can build on their knowledge in later years. This pack focuses on pronouns and prepositions: it defines the different...
    R170.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    GET Grammar Focus on Verbs and Adverbs

    Downloadable PDF resource pack. The aim of the GET Grammar series is to provide GET learners with the basics of language – establishing a firm foundation in language so that they can build on their knowledge in later years. This pack focuses on Verbs and Adverbs. Full details on our...
    R225.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Goodnight Mister Tom

    Are you looking for a wonderful novel to study with your juniors? Macrat’s resource pack for ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ brings the novel to life by providing questions per chapter, and offers a number of tasks and ‘points to ponder or discuss’. Oral and writing ideas are included, plus suggested answers....
    R225.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

    Explore this novel using our exciting worksheets and activities. Fun and user-friendly, but with sound educational insights. Suggested answers are provided. Author: S. Mitchell Suitable for Gr 7 – 9. No of pages: 33
    R170.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Holes resource pack

    ‘Holes’ is a novel for young adults, written by Louis Sachar. The book centers on Stanley Yelnats, who is sent to Camp Green Lake, a correctional boot camp in a desert in Texas, after being falsely accused of theft. The novel is highly praised for its complex plot, interesting characters...
    R340.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Hoot resource pack

    Worksheets and activities to cover this novel that covers numerous topics relevant to modern teenagers. Recommended for Gr 8 – 9. Author: Danielle Kleijwegt
    R225.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Introduction to Film Study

    Do you need to teach film study for the first time, or are you introducing film study to learners for the first time? This introductory guide offers the basics of film study, with practical classroom activities. Ideal for learners and educators who are unfamiliar with the basic concepts and ideas....
    R170.00 Add to basket
  • Textual Editing

    Let’s Get it Write

    A photocopiable resource pack devised to get learners to think about the way in which they write. The worksheets first look at sentences, then paragraphs and finally they look at different types of paragraphs. Download, copy and hand out to the learners! Grades 6-8. Total number of pages: 23 Author:...
    R170.00 Add to basket
  • IEB poetry pack Gr 12 FAL (2017 - 2019)

    Mac-4 Series for English PDF

    Theme-based worksheets for Grade 4 English. The series provides ready-to-use CAPS-compliant resources that are photocopiable for the learners at your school. The set provides creative, user-friendly comprehension and language worksheets, and includes notes for the teacher. The series provides extremely useful supplementary material to reinforce learning skills. Ten units in...
    R500.00 Add to basket
  • IEB poetry pack Gr 12 FAL (2017 - 2019)

    Mac-5 Series for English PDF

    Theme-based worksheets for Grade 5 English. The series provides ready-to-use CAPS-compliant resources that are photocopiable for the learners at your school. The set provides creative, user-friendly comprehension and language worksheets, and includes notes for the teacher. The series provides extremely useful supplementary material to reinforce learning skills. Ten units in...
    R500.00 Add to basket
  • IEB poetry pack Gr 12 FAL (2017 - 2019)

    Mac-6 Series for English PDF

    Theme-based worksheets for Grade 6 English. The series provides ready-to-use CAPS-compliant resources that are photocopiable for the learners at your school. The set provides creative, user-friendly comprehension and language worksheets, and includes notes for the teacher. The series provides extremely useful supplementary material to reinforce learning skills. Ten units in...
    R500.00 Add to basket
  • IEB poetry pack Gr 12 FAL (2017 - 2019)

    Mac-7 Series Vol 1 2013

    Theme-based worksheets for Grade 7 English.  The series provides ready-to-use CAPS-compliant resources; 10–11 units per volume, each following a specific theme. Creative, user-friendly comprehension and language worksheets, including teacher’s notes. Excellent supplementary material to reinforce learning skills. Vol 1 was first published in 2013.
    R210.00 Add to basket