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Exam Matters Gr 10 – 12 FAL


SKU: 978-1-77583-069-6  Category:

This resource pack contains a series of language exam papers for English, suitable for Gr 10–12 FAL.  Suggested answers are included.

Note: The material in this resource pack was originally published in various issues of Macrat’s ‘Ratpack’. The exam papers are not CAPS-compliant and some of the extracts may have ‘old’ dates on them. However, we feel that the exam papers still have value for teachers who are under pressure to find good material at short notice.

NB: These PDFs are ‘unsecured’ which means that you are able to cut and paste them into a Word document, and edit them as required for your own personal needs. The material remains copyrighted …. please don’t abuse our concession to allow you to edit the material.

No of pages: 28

Complied by Macrat Publishing

Grades 10-12.

Download, copy and hand out to the learners!