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Mini Resource: Language Exam Paper Gr 8-9 HL (2020)


SKU: 9876543210061 Category:

NOTE: this exam paper was originally published in the 2020 Ratpack (HL) so only 2020 non-subscribers should purchase this exam paper to avoid duplication.


Below is a brief analysis of the contents of this exam paper. We hope that you will find the information useful when looking for a question on a specific area of language for testing or when checking for questions which are not suitable for your learners.

Please note that the questions and memoranda are set according to the ‘Examination Guidelines’ from the DBE. The cognitive levels according to Barrett’s Taxonomy of Reading Comprehension have been indicated for the reading comprehension. We would like to point out that we found some variation in the interpretation of the type of questions in the papers we received from teachers. Some questions are more difficult to categorise but we have tried our best to ensure that they comply with the descriptors in Barrett’s Taxonomy. The cognitive levels are distributed according to the prescribed recommendations as far as possible so as to allow for the different levels of complexity at which the language is being assessed.

Reading for meaning and understanding: [length suitable for Grade 8 or 9]; comprehension skills; purpose of rhetorical questions; vocabulary skills; recognising tone of voice; visual literacy skills
Summarising in own words: point-form summary of 60-70 words [recommended for Grade 8 level]
Analysing advertisements: identifying product, purpose and ways of attracting attention (used for effect: visual aspects, different font sizes, repetition, alliteration); critical language awareness (homonym ‘smart’ and stereotyping)
Understanding a cartoon: visual literacy skills; understanding the use of font sizes and punctuation for effect; identifying feelings from facial expressions; identify use of apostrophe in contraction; reference to dictionary entry to explain humour
Language structures and use: identifying parts of speech (adjective); synonym for ‘horrid’; rewrite in reported speech; rewrite in passive voice; identifying examples of assonance; identify purpose of punctuation (apostrophe in possession, capital letters for proper nouns, exclamation mark to influence tone of voice)

Total number of pages: 11 pages

Compiled by Macrat Publishing